Отдел продаж
+7 701 098 33 20
+7 701 631 13 06
a member of the Tire Industry Association (USA) and The Kazakhstan Mining Club
Areas of our activity
About Us
Engineering Center is an engineering and technology company that implements solutions in the mining, energy and oil industries. With our high technical expertise, we provide a wide range of innovative solutions aimed at optimizing work processes and increasing the profitability of the enterprise.
We implement advanced workflows and practices to improve safety and the environment.
Our concept is the optimal combination
• Technical expertise
• High-quality service support
• Correctly selected equipment
• After-sales technical support
We provide
• World class high quality products
• Professional technical advice
• Specialized services
• Tools and equipment
• Curricula and trainings in accordance with international standards
Areas of our activity
Офис в Астане
ул. Брусиловского, 17/3, офис 511,
010000, г.Астана, Казахстан
офис: +7 701 098 3318
Офис в Бишкеке
ул. Боконбаева, 195/4
г.Бишкек, Кыргызстан
офис: +996 701 771 727
Our contacts
Head office
050057, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Umbetbaev street, 190,
office: +7 727 334 08 55
+7 701 098 33 20
+7 701 098 33 19
Office in Nur-Sultan
st. Brusilovsky, 17/3, office 511,
010000, Astana, Kazakhstan
office: +7 701 098 33 20
Office in Bishkek
st. Bokonbaeva, 195/4
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
office: +996 701 771 727
Our clients:
