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a member of the Tire Industry Association (USA) and The Kazakhstan Mining Club

Slipcoat anti-adhesive agent
An effective remedy for rock mass adhesion
ENGINEERING CENTER is the official distributor of Slipcoat MRA - an innovative agent against adhesion, accumulation, freezing of rock mass and corrosion.
Designed and manufactured by GBS Coproportion, a leader in providing solutions for the mining and industrial sectors.
Slipcoat MRA ™ is suitable for materials such as ore, ore concentrate, coal, clay, cement. Slipcoat MRA is also used in open pit or underground mines, railways and refineries.
Slipcoat MRA is a proprietary blend of natural oils that prevents rock build-up, build-up, freezing and corrosion. The product is not hazardous, non-toxic and
environmentally friendly.
Slipcoat MRA Application :
Bodies and chassis of mining dump trucks
Earthmoving buckets (loader, excavators, etc.)
Tracked vehicles
Light and medium truck chassis