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a member of the Tire Industry Association (USA) and The Kazakhstan Mining Club

Slipcoat anti-adhesion agent
Effective concrete and asphalt blocking agent
ENGINEERING CENTER is the official distributor of Slipcoat IRC - an innovative anti-adhesion and accumulation agent for asphalt or concrete mass.
Designed and manufactured by GBS Coproportion, a leader in providing solutions for the mining and industrial sectors.
Slipcoat IRC ™ against concrete adhesion
Bio-scalable, environmentally friendly product
Prevents build-up and reduces cleaning time in mixer, chute, hopper and apron
Significantly reduces the need to enter the drum as well as the need for crushing and cleaning
Guaranteed 95% reduction in build-up inside the mixer drums
Reduced cleaning time by 50%
Slipcoat IRC Benefits :
No need to clean up between downloads
The main mixer only requires one application per day
Application time on the mixer is no more than 5-10 minutes.
The volume of application for trucks is about 0.75 liters per day
Suitable for the toughest surfaces and conditions
Will not affect the composition of the concrete with which it comes into contact
Effective at low temperatures (down to -40 ° C))
Does not damage painted surfaces
Safe for use in confined spaces
Slipcoat IRC ™ against asphalt adhesion
Fully biodegradable product
Designed specifically for asphalt mixes
Completely eliminates adhesion on all types of surfaces
Does not adversely affect equipment or painted surfaces
Does not evaporate at high temperatures and does not freeze at low temperatures
Low product consumption (4L per 100m²)
Forms a protective film that prevents corrosion and rust
Suitable for bodies, bins, work tools and all surfaces