Отдел продаж
+7 701 098 33 20
+7 701 631 13 06
a member of the Tire Industry Association (USA) and The Kazakhstan Mining Club

Over the years, Engineering Center has established itself as a professional and reliable supplier in the mining industry. We specialize in providing high quality solutions and products to leading mining companies. Our products and solutions help to improve the efficiency and productivity of the enterprise.
Our team provides the necessary technical advice, services, tools and equipment, and training programs for the maintenance of large tires.
Our concept is a combination of service and the right equipment , after-sales technical support and spare parts, and training !
All this is important for:
achieving maximum return on investment (ROI)
significant savings in all operating costs.
Our products
Accessories for
oversized tires
Equipment for
tire fitting
Республика Казахстан, 050057
г.Алматы, ул.Умбетбаева, 190
Тел: +7 727 334 08 55
+7 701 098 33 20
+7 701 098 33 18
Офис в Астане
ул. Брусиловского, 17/3, офис 511,
010000, г.Астана, Казахстан
офис: +7 701 098 3318
Офис в Бишкеке
ул. Боконбаева, 195/4
г.Бишкек, Кыргызстан
офис: +996 701 771 727
head office
050057, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Umbetbaev street, 190,
office: +7 727 334 08 55
+7 701 098 33 20
+7 701 098 33 19
In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
Office in Nur-Sultan
st. Brusilovsky, 17/3, office 511,
010000, Astana, Kazakhstan
office: +7 701 098 33 20
Office in Bishkek
st. Bokonbaeva, 195/4
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
office: +996 701 771 727
Our contacts
Our clients:
