Отдел продаж
+7 701 098 33 20
+7 701 631 13 06
a member of the Tire Industry Association (USA) and The Kazakhstan Mining Club

Complete Valve and Extension Assembly

Double Spud Valve Assembly
Rigid Turret Valve Assembly

Valve Extensions
We can custom make extensions of any length according to your request. Steel braided tubing is available which protects against abrasion, heat and kinking.

Inflation devices for super large bore valves safely reduce inflation time so reducing downtime during fitting

High quality precision pressure gauges. Dial and digital types.
Features retention/release button, replaceable dust and liquid filters.
Precision gauges are protected from shocks and can be calibrated. Dial gauge mechanisms are protected from high pressure impacts by a special graduated reading, giving the same protection as a glycerin fill gauge (takes 5 seconds).
0psi > 160psi > 300psi depending on type.

Convenient tool kits for the Tire-Man. All tools are available separately